Jordan river bible reference
Jordan river bible reference

jordan river bible reference

In Biblical times, lions roamed the area. The Jordan Valley is thick with vegetation and was at one time rich with wildlife. From there, it travels 65 miles to the Dead Sea, but because of its meandering path, it travels 104 miles to get there. It is the largest river in Israel, and is formed by three streams in the foothills of Mount Hermon. Naaman, the army officer from Syria, was cured of leprosy when he dipped into the river seven times. At different times, the waters of the river were parted for Joshua, Elijah and Elisha. There, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. There are many references to it in the Bible, from Genesis through the Gospel of John. Without a doubt, the Jordan River is the most famous river in the world.

jordan river bible reference

The country of Jordan did not exist during ancient times. Today there is a country called Jordan, which occupies land east of the Jordan River. The river has been called the Jordan, or the Jordan River, or the River Jordan since ancient times. The memorial stones made sure that all glory went to God, the illustrator of Israel’s success.Jordan is the name of a river and a country. By commemorating God’s goodness in a permanent way, it ensured that the Israelites would not forget God’s grace. Samuel recognised the source of their victory and publicly declared it. God leads them to victory, so Samuel erects a large stone and names it Ebenezer, meaning ‘the stone of help’. Ebenezerġ Samuel 7:7-12 depicts the Israelites under imminent attack from the Philistines. We believe that Eternal Wall will do this as it memorialises Jesus for centuries. The remembrance stones in Gilgal reminded future generations of the God of miracles so that their faith would be renewed. Joshua 4:21-22 explains that ‘In the future your children will ask, “What do these stones mean?” Then you can tell them, “This is where the Israelites crossed the Jordan on dry ground.”’ God longs for us to proclaim His goodness to future generations. However, these stones are appreciating not just by those who witnessed the miracle. These 12 stones of Jordan were a memorial to God’s love and miraculous assistance. Joshua leads the 12 tribes to remove boulders from the riverbed, which they erect in the Promised Land in a place called Gilgal. In Joshua 4:1-8 God commands the Israelites to cross the Jordan River which He has stopped miraculously. By physically remembering what God had done, Jacob increased his faith and the faith of those who later worshipped there. Bethel, meaning ‘House of God’, then became an important centre for worship. Jacob did not want to forget what God had given him. The experience was so striking that Jacob felt that it must be commemorated, so he erected the stone upon which he slept. The first Biblical reference to memorial stones comes in Genesis 28: 10-22, when Jacob set a pillar in Bethel to commemorate a powerful vision of God that he experienced while sleeping there. SHARE YOUR ANSWERED PRAYER | DONATE | GET INVOLVED Join us in Making Hope Visible by memorialising Jesus Samuel erects an Ebenezer stone after God thwarts the Philistine’s attack.Įternal Wall is in many ways replicating these biblical memorial stones, as we glorify God with a national monument of 1 million bricks, with each brick symbolizing an answered prayer. Gilgal is where Joshua commemorated the Israelites’ miraculous entrance into the Promised Land. Bethel is where Jacob memorialised his vision. There are at least three cases of biblical characters laying memorial stones, and these become significant locations throughout biblical history. Eternal Wall takes inspiration from these monuments and their significance. There is a biblical precedent for laying stones as a memorial to the Lord in order to remember the good things He has done for us.

Jordan river bible reference